
While you can encrypt your message, you don't always want people to see it right away as
something secret, thats when you can use steganography.
Steganography is encrypted text that looks like normal text and words, but is complete gibberish.

This page implements a very basic form of steganography; an encrypted message is converted to what, at first glance, looks like English text. It is, in fact, English text, but complete nonsense, consisting of words chosen from a dictionary of 65536 (216) words, each encoding two bytes of the message in the position of the word in the dictionary. Punctuation and paragraph breaks are sprinkled through the text to make it look (marginally) more plausible. Let's be frank: anybody who gives this text more than a cursory glance is going to immediately twig to the fact that something very odd is going on here, but might discard it.

copy/paste encryped text here

      Line length:     punctuation

hidden text

To decipher steganography paste it in the box below and press seek. After that you can use this
page to decrypt it if you have the key.

Encoding:   codegroup    hexadecimal    base 64  sentinel?